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Spot-UV Bottle Neckers & Shelf Talkers – December StarMarque Sale

Our unique StarMarque finish is just the fancy gift wrap to add to your point-of-sale materials. Our gift to you is a whopping 30% discount on quantities of 4,000 and 8,000. STARMARQUE? SPOT-UV?

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Ultra Soft-Touch Bottle Neckers & Shelf Talkers – October Luxury Sale

36% Off in October! Luxury Die-Cut Bottleneck Hangers or Shelf Talkers

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UV-Coated Bottle Neckers and Shelf Talkers

Upgrade your Point-of-Sale in September – 35% off Fabu-Gloss Bottle Neckers

Bottle Neck Hangers The perfect products for our beverage industry and hospitality clientele. Hotels love to use our bottle neck hangers to improve sales at the mini bar.…

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June is a very hot month (for point-of-sale materials) – 35% off Silk Bottleneck Hangers

To ring in the summer season, we've got a sizzlin' hot sale! Bottleneck hangers, shelf talkers, and shelf wobblers/danglers are on sale this month. We've got…

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Save 37% on Spot UV Bottle Neck Hangers and Shelf Talkers

Tremendously thick 150# cover is printed in beautiful, full color. Then, it's coated on both sides with an ultra-soft finish. On top of this, we apply…

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Bottleneck Coupon Printing and Graphic Design for Wine Importers

One of our fantastic clients is Vici Wine & Spirits. Over the years, we have worked with Vici to create a huge variety of printed materials.…

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