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Save 20% on UV-Gloss Bottle Neckers, July Only

Our UV-Coated "Fabu-Gloss" Bottle Neckers are great for grabbing shopper attention. These bottle neckers are THICKER and GLOSSIER than anything you've ever seen! This sale only good in…

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Spot-UV Bottle Neckers Sale

Save $200+ on Spot-UV Bottle Neckers & Shelf Talkers, May Only

SPRING INTO ACTION, before you miss out! Die-Cut Bottle Neckers and Sticky Shelf Talkers are fantastic at grabbing shopper attention. They're even more irresistible with the…

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Save Over $200 on Luxury Bottle Neckers and Shelf Talkers

It’s ok to admit you’re sweet on these deals!  I know it's tough to choose between shelf talkers and bottle neckers when it comes to promoting…

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Our New Website!

*WHEW!* It was certainly no easy task, but we finally launched our long awaited website. There are a few particularly cool features, I'd like to highlight…

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test photo post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ac tellus et enim luctus consectetur at a sapien. Cras at arcu quis neque blandit sodales vel…

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What is Spot-UV Printing?

Technically speaking, Spot-UV is not printing at all, but a coating process that occurs after the printing is done. It's the application of UV coating to a portion of the paper, generally to achieve a contrast between a gloss, matte or uncoated surface.

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Round Corner Bottle Neck Hangers – Now Available!

We're thrilled to announce that a new die-cut product is now available. These babies measure 2 1/8" x 3 5/8". They feature a 1.5" diameter hole…

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Wowee, that’s a lotta business cards!

Last month, we announced our goal to sell 100,000 Business Cards in the month of February during our Buy One, Get One FREE business cards sale.…

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FIP welcomes graphic designer extraordinaire: Jen Hankey

We're pleased to announce the newest member of the First in Print team, Jen Hankey! Jen has been very busy since joining our team! She has…

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